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The End of Google? Major Traffic Changes Exposed

I’ve got PROOF that Google’s search dominance is crumbling.

Classic content marketing is dead. I don’t say that lightly.

The old way of doing content marketing–finding high-volume keywords, then writing blog posts that target those keywords and trying to get your post ranking in Google for them; dead.


Because Google is no longer the primary or largest source of information consumption on the web.

And we’ve got the data to prove it.

According to SparkToro and Datos…Click to open link in new tab…, while Google dominates as the largest traffic referrer it only ranks 5th in terms of where people spend time and consume content. A mere 10% of the pie.

A chart showing the largest traffic referrers

Meaning that fewer and fewer people are hanging out on Google. They are mostly hanging out on social and productivity sites.

This changes EVERYTHING for your dental practice.

What does that mean? That it takes a lot more than just SEO to win in content marketing today.

You can’t just rely on Google to get new patients anymore.

In this video, I’ll uncover the shocking truth behind this shift, dissect the latest research, and reveal exactly where you need to focus your marketing efforts to stay ahead.

If you don’t know me, my name is Kelsey and I am the Chief strategy officer here at Roadside Dental Marketing.

I am also a complete geek for metrics, and marketing. I am certified by Google for Analytics, Ads Mangement, Search, and Video, and last year I won the ‘Who’s, Who in the World’ Award for Marketing…Click to open link in a new tab….

Now don’t get me wrong. I am a big fan of Google, but, Google is grappling with several significant challenges:

Challenge 1: ChatGPT Search Competition

ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, poses a growing threat to Google’s dominance in the search engine market.

As users increasingly turn to AI-powered solutions for more interactive and precise responses, Google’s traditional search model faces pressure to innovate and adapt to this new preference.

Challenge 2: AI Development

In the broader AI landscape, Google competes with several tech giants and startups.

Maintaining a leading edge in AI technology requires substantial investment and rapid advancements, which are difficult to sustain in a fast-evolving field.

Challenge 3: Monopoly Legal Battle

Recently, Google lost a court battle where it was accused of monopolistic practices.

This legal defeat underscores regulatory scrutiny and the increasing pressure on Google to alter its business practices to foster fair competition.

The ruling could significantly change Google’s operations and potentially impact its revenue streams and market strategies.

I mentioned earlier that classic content marketing, or the old way of doing marketing in general, was dead. I don’t say that lightly, but it is true.

Google is no longer the primary or largest source of information consumption on the web.

Your content needs to be present before patients start searching for the brands and websites they’ve learned about.

Before they seek out answers to their problems. Before their journey to a solution even begins.

Modern content marketing means being present in the places where your audience pays attention, consumes content, and learns about the problems you solve.

Why? Because almost everything happens in these areas before a search is ever made.

From 2024 onwards, Google merely takes credit for the ideas, preferences, and information needs created elsewhere.

This means that you need a more modern content marketing strategy—because more than ever, you need to win in areas broader than search.

What you need is Omnipresent Marketing, which you can learn more about it here.

Have questions about how this could affect your practice?

Hit me up in the comments below.

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