How to Create a Killer Homepage for Your Dental Website
Imagine being able to turn your visitors into new patients with just your homepage.
Impossible? Not at all.
In fact, you can 5X your bookings by just having a homepage that speaks to your patients’ needs.
In this video, I’m going to show you our secret sauce, or our magic formula as it were, that we use to create killer homepages for our client’s website.
It’s the same formula that, when we launch a new website, starts getting patients through the door immediately.
Want to know what it is and how it works? Stick around and I’ll let you know.
My name is Arron George and I’m the Website Development Director here at Roadside Dental Marketing.
We are focused on helping heart-centered dentists to get new patients through the door, through successful online marketing.
Since working with Roadside, I have launched over 250 dental websites that achieve just that:
Get conversions and help people go through the website into the dental practice and become actual patients.
We’ve seen amazing figures of up to 50 percent boost in conversion rates with the dental websites that we’ve been able to create for our clients.
So today, we’re going to talk a little bit more about the homepage.
So to begin with, I want to dive into exactly what a homepage is.
What is a homepage?
Now your homepage is the landing page or the first page that people see.
When they click on the link to go to your website, you really want to have it well structured, creating a buyer’s journey so you can:
- Build trust
- Tell people what you do
- Explain some of the benefits
And there really is a clear formula that gets results, and we’re going to dive into that a little bit more now.
So before we talk about the secret sauce, let’s have a look at why it is important to know who you’re speaking to on your homepage by getting to know your demographic.
You will be able to actually construct the homepage in a way that will appeal to your audience.
So, as you know, not all patients are the same.
So when visitors come into the website, you really want to be able to identify which demographics you want to appeal to, and you want to shape your message to.
So it’s very important to do that. Once you understand who you’re talking to, you can really think about their wants, needs, and desires and how you can build their trust.
And then that’s where we can formulate the homepage.
Dental website flaws: What you need to avoid
Some common flaws we see on dental websites are too much information or trying to reach everybody with their message or with their services.
What you really want to make sure that you do is have very concise information, lots of nice images, but also that you’ve condensed your message.
Ok… now let’s dive into formula in creating a killer homepage for your dental website.
Step 1: The hero image
You’ve probably seen this on a lot of famous websites, such as Apple…Click to open link in new tab…. And what they do is they really showcase:
- Who they are
- What they do
- Why it matters
- How to actually get what they do
So that could be buying a product or booking an appointment.
So that all needs to be clear, concise in the hero section.
The reason it needs to be so clear and concise is that you actually only have six seconds to grab people’s attention.
So you want to connect with them emotionally.
You want them to be able to understand what you do, and who you are straight away.
So we recommend having a nice big image or b-roll video at the top that appeals to your target audience.
So it could be a smiling patient or it could be clips of you interacting with patients in the practice as well.
By doing that, you will help people to understand what you’re all about. There won’t be any confusion.
And you can really encourage them to scroll to the next sections.
Step 2: The problem + solution area
So the second step is the problem and solution area on your homepage.
As you know, when people are searching the web, they are looking to solve a problem.
So by having it front and center on your homepage, what you solve, you will be able to stand out.
And you’ve got to think about what really agitates your target audience.
What do they get really worried about or anxious about?
It might be fear of the dentist.
It might be not understanding what they need from the dentist.
Or it might be cost or conveniences that they’re just not sure what to do about.
So that is where you can provide the problems upfront.
You can speak to those problems, but then you can provide a solution. And this will build trust, but it will also show that you understand your patients and what they really need.
So once you have kind of identified the solutions you provide, you can dive into step three…
Step 3: The benefits
Now, if you’re a patient yourself, the first thing you want to know is, what am I going to get out of it?
What are my outcomes?
And we recommend doing three benefits on the homepage that are very clear, and very easy to understand with a call to action for them then to contact you.
Once they understand what’s in it for them. A lot of people are just looking for, how does this help me? What effect will this have on me?
By providing these unique benefits, you will appeal to them emotionally, but you’ll also encourage them to take action and book their next visit.
And speaking of trust with regards to the benefits, we can really drive that home by sharing some real patient testimonials.
Step 4: Patient testimonials
Sharing some people who have already experienced the benefits that you offered and have put their trust in you.
And we recommend video testimonials because they’re more engaging, they provide a face, and they provide credibility as well.
So if you can grab some nice videos showing some patients who are happy with the work that they’ve received, that really, really is empowering for your dental practice.
We can also use written testimonials (Google reviews, etc.).
They build trust and people love to see them because it provides a kind of a second opinion.
It’s not you telling the patient or the potential patient what they’ll get. It’s actually someone else who’s experienced it already sharing their story, sharing what happened to them.
So patient testimonies should be front and center on your homepage.
Step 5: Meet the doctor and team
Another great trust builder to have on your homepage is a section about the doctor and the team.
So within this section, you can just have some simple headshots introducing the doctor’s name. So people know who is going to be caring for them.
Then you link to the main doctor page on that particular section.
So people can see their bio, get to know them a little bit more.
If you really want to elevate that homepage, having an introductory video, with the doctor speaking to the patients is an absolute game changer.
We have seen huge conversion spikes when we’re using video on the homepage because it builds trust, but it allows you to connect with your patients as well.
So that’s something to think about, but at the very least, you need to introduce the doctor and the team on the homepage so people can build trust in the people that are going to care for them.
So now we’ve built a lot of trust, a lot of credibility. We need to tell the user or the visitor exactly what you do.
Step 6: Introduce your offering
This is where you introduce your offering.
This is where you can list all the services you provide.
You can maybe have three of your top services. If you want to target a demographic (want more implant cases, etc.), then you can give that a little bit more attention.
But this section really is to briefly introduce what you offer, and why you’re the expert in doing this.
Some credibility would be also to maybe provide some information about the doctor so that people can see who the practitioner is that is going to be looking after them as well.
That really is an important aspect when you’re providing more information about the offering that you have.
Step 7: The final call to action
You’ve built trust, you’ve introduced your team, the offering you have, the benefits, you’ve even introduced some of your patients through the testimonials.
And now you need to tell this potential new patient what they need to do next.
So at the bottom of your homepage, you need to have a strong call to action to book an appointment. This could be through:
- An online form
- A phone number
- Online booking scheduler
Either way it needs to be clear, concise with nice bright buttons so people know exactly what you would like them to do next.
And by piecing this all together >strong>we have created the secret formula for a successful dental website homepage.
So you are now armed with our secret formula to create a killer homepage.
What now?
If you would like some help applying this new formula to your website, then contact us for a free website audit.
With this audit, we’ll look at what you currently have and provide our expert take on how we can improve your homepage. All you need to do is fill out the form below.