How to Choose a Name for Your Dental Practice [Video + Free Download]

Think about the area you're serving when choosing a dental practice name.
When naming your practice, think about the area you’re serving and the “dream patient” you’re trying to attract.

As you can imagine, choosing a name for your dental practice is a huge decision. Whether you’re starting a brand new practice or rebranding an existing practice, choosing a name is a BIG DEAL – but we can help!

The dental practice name game

Your dental practice’s name will do more than just be on your sign and on your front door. Your name is a key part of your brand and will give the community an impression of what your practice is about.

So it’s a huge decision, but we’re going to walk you through some tips that will make it a LOT easier!

Tip 1: Watch our (3-minute) video.

Kick back and watch our naming tips, instead of actually having to READ them.

Tip 2: Don’t just look at what everyone else is doing.

Look to yourself – and DIG DEEP. What makes you special? You’re trying to attract your “dream” patient, so think about who your dream patient is.

What do they want? What do they like? What will make them stop and say, “Whoa, this dentist is different! They get me! They’re going to give me what I need!”?

As you know, it’s not all about crowns and teeth cleaning. You’re so much more than that! Think about your WHY:

  • Why did you choose dentistry?
  • Why do you do what you do every day?
  • Why are you building this brand new practice?
  • Why will your patients love you?

These are the questions that will help you define your brand; these are the questions that will give you the foundation you need to choose the perfect dental practice name!

Tip 3: Plan for the future.

Will you want to sell your practice in the future? Will you add associates at some point down the road?

If so, here’s a tip: Don’t go with your the “name + DDS or DMD” formula. You’ll want a broader name that will give you the flexibility for growth or change in the future.

Tip 4: Write a list.

writing a list of dental practice name ideas

Make a list of words that describe the personality of your practice. At this point, don’t edit yourself; just get it all down in one big list. You’ll go back later to narrow it down to your best choices. Write down all the ideas that come to mind – words like contemporary, classic, modern, homey, spa-like, comfortable, sophisticated, fresh, clean – any words you’re drawn to.

Look at your list and highlight your favorite words, the words that resonate most with your “dream patient” and what you want your brand to be.

Next, stew over them for a couple of weeks. Keep the list in a visible spot on your desk or on your fridge. Think about them, feel them out, write them down, and say them out loud.

Take these ideas and start brainstorming phrases and dental practice names that are more “finished.” Your name and slogan ideas don’t even necessarily have to include the specific words you originally wrote down, but they should represent them and convey their meaning. Share your ideas with a few trusted friends or family members and get their input.

Download your FREE Dental Practice Naming Guide

Graphic of Roadside Dental Practice Naming WorksheetChoosing a dental practice name might seem overwhelming, but don’t worry – we’ve got you covered! We’ve created a free, easy-to-use cheat sheet to help you gather all of your naming ideas into one place.

Get questions to help you identify your WHY and how to translate it into a killer dental practice name. Who is your target audience – your tribe? Who do you really want to attract? What area(s) will you serve?

Download your free guide and get started today – you can fill it out right on your computer or print it out and write in your answers. And if you need any help using your free guide, please give us a call!

With more than 20 years of helping practices across the country discover their uniqueness, our team can help you discover how to effectively market and grow YOUR practice!

Please let us know how this tool has helped you!

If you haven’t yet, be sure to watch our video and let us know what you think!



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